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visual amusements*

Fig 1 - A quantum register composed of three qubits can store in a given moment of time all
          eight numbers in a quantum superposition 1


Fig 2 - Milestones in the development of quantum computer technology (March 1998)  2
Type of Hardware Number of qubits needed Number of steps before decoherence Status
Quantum Cryptography 1 1 Implemented
Entanglement-based quantum cryptography 2 1 Demonstrated in lab
Quantum-controlled NOT-gate 2 1 Demonstrated in lab
Composition of quantum gates 2 2 Demonstrated in lab
Deutsch's algorithm 2 3 Demonstrated in NMR quantum computer
Channel capacity doubling 2 2 Imminent
Teleportation 3 2 Achieved
Entanglement swapping 4 1 Achieved intermittently
Repeating station for quantum cryptography A few A few Theory not yet complete
Quantum simulations A few A few Simple cases demonstrated
Grover's algorithms with toy data 3+ 6+ Forseeable
Ultra-precise frequency standards A few A few Foreseeable
Entanglement purification A few A few
Shor's algorithms with toy data 16+ Hundreds+
Quantum factoring engine Hundreds Hundreds
Universal quantum computer Thousands Thousands+

Fig 3 - Relationships between information science (including computer science) and quantum mechanics 6


Fig 4 - University of Innsbruck experimental setup for quantum teleportation 4


*superscripted number following figure descriptions corresponds to that of source in works cited page

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