On Science
In the year of 1905 was a year of many developments for Einstein. Starting on April 30 Einstein submits his doctoral dissertation, "A New Determination of Molecular Dimensions." In the same year he also submits the following papers for publication: "On a Heuristic Point of View Concerning the Production and Transformation of Light," "On the Movement of Small Particles Suspended in Stationary Liquids Required by the Molecular-Kinetic Theory of Heat," "On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies," and another paper on the theory of relativity published on November 21 where the famous equation E=mcc was published.
This famous equation ushered in the the atomic age. It was his founding thoughts that allowed for the atomic bomb.
After reading many books trying to understand Einstein's relativity theorem, I finally came across one. Everything is relative to your position. If I am in an airplane I and shine a light in both directions, from my perspective the view they will hit at the same time. Now, if someone is looking from very far away then they will the light travelling with a constant speed, but the plane is either moving away or moving toward the light, thus causing it to hit at different times. This difference is minimal though is relation to the actual speed of light. (5)
The relativity theory also predicted the change in mass of something when it is heated. The reason that our instruments cannot predict it is that the change is so small it cannot be detected. A comparison can be drawn between the change in mass by heat and adding a Russian Ruble to the bank account of Bill Gates.
I cannot begin to explain the rest of his theories, but I encourage you to learn about them. What I can tell you is that "to summarize: relativity theory rejects the distinction between mass and energy."(5)