Pitch and Overtone
Works Cited

Sound is produced in windwood and brass instruments when standing waves are created inside the pipes. Some of these instruments use "reeds" or "lips" to start a vibration as air passes over them into the pipe. Many woodwind instruments use holes to change the length of the pipes, establishing different wavelengths, while brass instruments use valves or slides.

String and keyboard(old school piano keyboards) use simple harmonic motion to produce sound waves. While the strings themselves are not very loud, these instruments use resonance to increase their output.
Vocal Cords
Vocal cords are similar to string instruments. By changing both the length and tension different pitches can be produced. Air moving over them causes them ot vibrate. Men have thicker and longer vocal cords then women, causing them to have a lower tone of voice, and making it difficult to hit the high notes.Back to the Begining