Some of Lord Kelvin's 

Major Achievements


       * Graduated Cambrige with Honors                           1841

       * Defined the Absolute Temp. Scale                          1847

       * Member of the Royal Society                     Elected 1851 

       * Began working on Transatlantic                              1854
          Cable Project

       * Royal Society Royal Medal                     Awarded 1856

    * Royal Society Bakerian Lecturer                            1856 

    * Patented his Invention of the Mirror                       1858
       Galvanometer (long distance telegrapgh reciever)

    * Knighted by Queen Victoria                                    1866

    * President of the British Association                        1871
       for the Advancement of Science 

    * President of Royal Society of Edinburgh    1873 to 1878
                                                                            1886 to 1890
                                                                            1895 to 1907

    * Royal Society Copley Medal                    Awarded 1883 

    * Honorary Fellow of the Edinburgh                          1883
       Maths Society 

    * President of Royal Society of London        1890 to 1895 

    * Created Baron Kelvin of Largs                                1892

    * London Maths Society President                1898 to 1900

    * Recived Order of Merit                                            1902

    * Lunar features         Crater Thomson and Promontorium 
                                                 Kelvin and Rupes Kelvin 

    * Published more than 600 papers 
       and pantented 70 inventions