Later Years






During his later years he led a secluded, eccentric, and penniless life, nearly forgotten by the world he believed would someday honor him. Tesla died on Jan. 7, 1943, in New York City.  It is rather sad that a man who gave the world so much, received so little for his efforts.  History books have been unkind as well.  Even today, many texts still credit Marconi with the invention of radio, despite the Supreme Court decision which overruled Marconi and awarded it to Tesla.  In many parts of this country, people still refer to the electric utility as the 'Edison Company', even though they use the Tesla-Westinghouse alternating current system. The Tesla Museum in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, was dedicated to the inventor after his death and in 1956 the tesla, a unit of magnetic flux density in the metric system, was named in his honor.


Pictures of Nikola Tesla 








                                          Age 23                                                                  Age 39





                                            Age 59                                                               Age 64




                                             Age 79                                                               Age 85




Pictures of Tesla's Inventions






                      This device was capable of producing about 200 hp with almost 100% efficiency. The model shown here is in reality very small.                                This radio was installed on a navy battleship under Tesla's supervision. The model shown here is his own design.

                                               200hp Turbine                                            1.5kw Radio






                                       Even before the "official" invention of radio, Tesla was doing experiments with radio-controlled craft. The device shown here is a small radio-controlled submarine.                                    A drawing of Tesla's "dearth-ray." Visit the "Lost inventions" section for details.

                                             RC Submarine                                                  Teleforce





Other Pictures 







Tesla's beloved Wardenclyffe was purchased by Peerless Photography in 1928 and later AGFA acquired it. He would leave Manhattan on the train and arrive right in front of the property which is now the backyard. The photo processors dug a big ditch between where the train must have let him off and used the hole to dump silver nitrate by-products of their developing (I think the well may have also been abused in the same way). The EPA declared it a toxic waste site. AGFA vacated all the buildings and a 24 a day guard will not let anyone on the property. Large buildings obscure the front of the old laboratory where the Wizard worked his magic. The greatest man in the history of the 20th century has been relegated to anonymity by an uncaring society.  --  **Thanks to William J. Hayes ( for the this photo and the text.**





Tesla's beloved Wardenclyffe was purchased by Peerless Photography in 1928 and later AGFA acquired it. He would leave Manhattan on the train and arrive right in front of the property which is now the backyard. The photo processors dug a big ditch between where the train must have let him off and used the hole to dump silver nitrate by-products of their developing (I think the well may have also been abused in the same way). The EPA declared it a toxic waste site. AGFA vacated all the buildings and a 24 a day guard will not let anyone on the property. Large buildings obscure the front of the old laboratory where the Wizard worked his magic. The greatest man in the history of the 20th century has been relegated to anonymity by an uncaring society.  --  **Thanks to William J. Hayes ( for the this photo and the text.**

Modern-day photos of Tesla's Wardenclyffe laboratory


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