Newtons First Law
first laws states that :
"An object in motion tends
to stay in motion
and an object at rest tends
to stay and rest
unless acted upon by and outside

When in space, Newtons first law is very obvious. When
an object in space is set on a course, it stays on that course unless it
is acted upon by some outside force. Newtons first law is also present
in every day life here on earth. The place where we may experiance
it the most is in our vehicles. If you are driving your car down
the road and you come to a sudden stop, then you are going to go through
the widshield unless you are wearing a seatbelt! The reason that
you keep moving is because some outside force has stopped your car, but
it has not stopped you. This may be a good reason to wear your seatbelt.
This concept is also know as inertia.