The following is example code that would be used to determine collision in a complicated envirnment. In this case there is a large array of pendulums disrupted by a falling wood block.
This is a simulation for only one set of objects, you can imagine how complex this would get if you had an entire environment to provide reactons for.
/* Copyright MathEngine PLC 2000 $Name: AUTO_TEMP_MeTKMakeRelease_1_299 $ $Id: ManyPendulums.c,v 1.16 2000/08/31 13:52:45 lyndonh Exp $ */ /* This example shows the collision detection, Dynamics Event Manager and Kea Dynamics working on a complicated environment. */ #pragma warning( disable : 4305 ) #include "MePrecision.h" #include "McdFrame.h" #include "McdPrimitives.h" #include "McdDtBridge.h" #include "Mdt.h" #include "MeMath.h" #include "MeViewer.h" extern struct MeMemoryAPI MeMemoryAPIMalloc; struct MeMemoryOptions opts; /* Global declarations */ /* Number of pendulums down one side of grid */ #define NSIDE 20 #define NPENDULUMS (NSIDE * NSIDE) #define penRadius (MeReal)0.5 #define penHeight (MeReal)2.0 #define penJoint (MeReal)5.0 #define penDensity (MeReal)8.0 #define penSpacing (MeReal)3.0 /* MeReal penRadius = (MeReal)0.5; */ /* MeReal penHeight = (MeReal)2.0; */ /* MeReal penJoint = (MeReal)5.0; */ /* MeReal penDensity = (MeReal)8.0; */ /* MeReal penSpacing = (MeReal)3.0; */ MeReal thingDensity = 1.0; MeVector3 thingDim = {3.8, 3.8, 3.8}; MeVector3 thingStart = {0.8, 20.0, 0.01}; /* color of pendulums in the corners */ MeVector3 topLeftColor = {1, 0, 0}; MeVector3 topRightColor = {1, 1, 0}; MeVector3 bottomLeftColor = {0, 1, 0}; MeVector3 bottomRightColor = {0, 0, 1}; /* Force applied to the box to drag it around */ MeReal thingForce = 1000; /* World for the Dynamics Toolkit simulation */ MdtWorldID world; /* Collision */ McdDtBridge *cdHandler; McdSpaceID space; /* Kea solver workspace */ void *KeaMemoryArea; /* Physics representations */ MdtBodyID thing; MdtBodyID pen[NPENDULUMS]; MdtBSJointID joint[NPENDULUMS]; /* Graphical representations */ RGraphic *groundG; RGraphic *thingG; RGraphic *penG[NPENDULUMS]; RGraphic *lineG[NPENDULUMS]; /* Collision reps */ McdModelID groundCM; McdModelID thingCM; McdModelID penCM[NPENDULUMS]; McdGeometryID plane_prim, box_prim, pen_prim[NPENDULUMS]; MeReal gravity[3] = { 0, -10, 0 }; /* Render context */ RRender *rc; /* Timestep size */ MeReal step = (MeReal)(0.04); MeReal groundTransform[4][4] = { {1, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, -1, 0}, {0, 1, 0, 0}, {0, -1, 0, 1} }; MeReal groundRenderTransform[16] = { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, -1.5, 0, 1 }; /* Functions to add forces to block to drag it around. */ void increaseXForce(void) { MdtBodyEnable(thing); MdtBodyAddForce(thing, thingForce, 0, 0); } void decreaseXForce(void) { MdtBodyEnable(thing); MdtBodyAddForce(thing, -thingForce, 0, 0); } void increaseZForce(void) { MdtBodyEnable(thing); MdtBodyAddForce(thing, 0, 0, thingForce); } void decreaseZForce(void) { MdtBodyEnable(thing); MdtBodyAddForce(thing, 0, 0, -thingForce); } void ThingCameraTrack() { MeVector3 pos; MdtBodyGetPosition(thing, pos); rc->m_cameraLookAt[0] = pos[0]; rc->m_cameraLookAt[1] = pos[1]; rc->m_cameraLookAt[2] = pos[2]; RUpdateCamera(); } /* Tick() is a callback function called from the renderer's main loop to evolve the world by 'step' seconds */ void tick(RRender * rc) { /* These timer calls are for the OpenGL performance bar. */ RStopTimer(kRRender); /* Update collision */ RStartTimer(kRCollision); McdDtBridgeUpdateAllFreezeFlags(space); McdPairHandlerUpdate(); RStopTimer(kRCollision); /* Update dynamics */ RStartTimer(kRDynamics); MdtWorldStep(world, step); RStopTimer(kRDynamics); RStartTimer(kRRender); ThingCameraTrack(); } /* Reset boxes and pendulums to initial positions */ void reset(void) { int i,j; /* Offset to start making pendulums from */ MeReal start = (NSIDE-1) * -penSpacing * (MeReal)0.5; MdtBodySetPosition(thing, thingStart[0], thingStart[1], thingStart[2]); MdtBodySetQuaternion(thing, 1, 0, 0, 0); MdtBodySetLinearVelocity(thing, 0, 0, 0); MdtBodySetAngularVelocity(thing, 0, 0, 0); MdtBodyEnable(thing); for (i = 0; i < NSIDE; i++) { for(j=0; j < NSIDE; j++) { MdtBodySetPosition(pen[(i*NSIDE)+j], start + i * penSpacing, penHeight, start + j * penSpacing); MdtBodySetQuaternion(pen[(i*NSIDE)+j], 1, 0, 0, 0); MdtBodySetLinearVelocity(pen[(i*NSIDE)+j], 0, 0, 0); MdtBodySetAngularVelocity(pen[(i*NSIDE)+j], 0, 0, 0); MdtBodyEnable(pen[(i*NSIDE)+j]); } } } void cleanup(void) { int i; McdGeometryDestroy(plane_prim); McdModelDestroy(groundCM); McdGeometryDestroy(box_prim); McdModelDestroy(thingCM); for (i = 0; i < NPENDULUMS; i++) { McdGeometryDestroy(pen_prim[i]); McdModelDestroy(penCM[i]); } McdSpaceDestroy(space); McdDtBridgeDestroy(cdHandler); McdDtBridgeTerm(); McdTerm(); MdtWorldDestroy(world); free(KeaMemoryArea); RDeleteRenderContext(rc); } /* Main Routine */ int main(int argc, const char **argv) { const RRenderType render = RParseRenderType(&argc, &argv); #ifndef PS2 static char *help[] = { "Left Mouse Drag - move camera", " Enter - reset", " w,a,s,d - drag block around" }; #else static char *help[] = { " Start - reset", " Directional pad - drag block around" }; #endif const int helpNum = sizeof (help) / sizeof (help[0]); int i, j, k, id; float color[3]; short material1; MeReal mass, start; MeMatrix3 I; AcmeReal lineStart[3] = { 0.0, penRadius, 0.0}; AcmeReal lineEnd[3] = { 0.0, penJoint - penHeight, 0.0}; MeVector3 tempColorTop, tempColorBottom; MeReal propI, propJ; MdtContactParamsID props; if (render == kRD3D) { MeInfo(0,"Direct3D not supported for this example.\n"); exit(1); } MeMemorySetDefaults(&opts); (*MeMemoryAPI.setOptions)(&opts); /* Initialise dynamics */ KeaMemoryArea = malloc(2000000); world = MdtWorldCreate(NPENDULUMS + 1, NPENDULUMS + 100, KeaMemoryArea, 2000000); MdtWorldSetGravity(world, gravity[0], gravity[1], gravity[2]); /* In this demo, a lot of objects are stationary a lot of the time. To speed things up we tell Mdt to AutoDisable objects when they come to rest. Disabled MdtBodies are automatically re-Enabled when an Enabled body contacts them. */ MdtWorldSetDEMMode(world, MdtDEMModePartitionAutoDisable); /* THING: */ thing = MdtBodyCreate(world); mass = thingDensity * thingDim[0] * thingDim[1] * thingDim[2]; MdtMakeInertiaTensorBox(mass, thingDim[0], thingDim[1], thingDim[2], I); MdtBodySetMass(thing, mass); MdtBodySetInertiaTensor(thing, I); /* Add a little (angular)velocity damping */ MdtBodySetAngularVelocityDamping(thing, 0.03); MdtBodySetLinearVelocityDamping(thing, 0.02); /* PENDULUMS: */ mass = PI * penRadius * penRadius * penDensity; MdtMakeInertiaTensorSphere(mass, penRadius, I); for (i = 0; i < NPENDULUMS; i++) { pen[i] = MdtBodyCreate(world); MdtBodySetMass(pen[i], mass); MdtBodySetInertiaTensor(pen[i], I); MdtBodySetLinearVelocityDamping(pen[i], (MeReal)(0.2)); MdtBodySetAngularVelocityDamping(pen[i], (MeReal)(0.1)); } /* reset pendulums to correct positions.. */ reset(); /* offset to start making pendulums from */ start = (NSIDE-1) * -penSpacing * (MeReal)0.5; /* now make all the joints */ for (i = 0; i < NSIDE; i++) { for(j=0; j < NSIDE; j++) { joint[(i*NSIDE)+j] = MdtBSJointCreate(world, pen[(i*NSIDE)+j], 0); MdtBSJointSetPosition(joint[(i*NSIDE)+j], start + i * penSpacing, penJoint, start + j * penSpacing); MdtBSJointEnable(joint[(i*NSIDE)+j]); } } /* Collision detection */ McdInit(McdPrimitivesGetTypeCount()); McdPrimitivesRegisterTypes(); McdPrimitivesRegisterInteractions(); McdDtBridgeInit(0); /* max objects and pairs */ space = McdSpaceAxisSortCreate(McdAllAxes, NPENDULUMS + 2, 150); McdPairHandlerRegisterSpace(space); cdHandler = McdDtBridgeCreate(); /* max pairs at a time */ McdDtBridgeSetPairListMaxCount(cdHandler, 150); /* Set parameters for contacts. */ material1 = McdDtBridgeGetDefaultMaterialID(); props = McdDtBridgeGetContactParams(material1, material1); MdtContactParamsSetType(props, MdtContactTypeFriction2D); MdtContactParamsSetFriction(props, 2.0); MdtContactParamsSetRestitution(props, 0.3); /* Only use 3 contacts per pair. */ id = McdIntersectGetDefaultRequestID(); McdIntersectRequestSetContactMaxCount(id, id, 3); plane_prim = McdPlaneCreate(); groundCM = McdModelCreate(plane_prim); McdSpaceInsertModel(space, groundCM); McdDtBridgeSetBody(cdHandler, groundCM, 0); McdModelSetTransformPtr(groundCM, groundTransform); McdModelFreezeInSpace(groundCM); box_prim = McdBoxCreate(thingDim[0], thingDim[1], thingDim[2]); thingCM = McdModelCreate(box_prim); McdDtBridgeSetBody(cdHandler, thingCM, thing); McdSpaceInsertModel(space, thingCM); for (i = 0; i < NPENDULUMS; i++) { pen_prim[i] = McdBoxCreate(2 * penRadius, 2 * penRadius, 2 * penRadius); penCM[i] = McdModelCreate(pen_prim[i]); McdDtBridgeSetBody(cdHandler, penCM[i], pen[i]); McdSpaceInsertModel(space, penCM[i]); } McdSpaceBuild(space); /* Initialise rendering attributes */ rc = RNewRenderContext(render, kRQualitySmooth); rc->m_cameraOffset = 30; RUpdateCamera(); /* GROUND: */ color[0] = 0.0f; color[1] = 0.75f; color[2] = 0.1f; groundG = RCreateCube(rc, 84.0f, 84.0f, 0.5f, color, groundRenderTransform); #ifndef PS2 RSetTexture(groundG, "checkerboard"); #endif color[0] = 0.1; color[1] = 0.1; color[2] = 0.8; thingG = RCreateCube(rc, thingDim[0], thingDim[1], thingDim[2], color, MdtBodyGetTransformPtr(thing)); #ifndef PS2 RSetTexture(thingG, "wood1"); #endif /* make graphics (pretty colours) */ for (i = 0; i < NSIDE; i++) { for(j=0; j < NSIDE; j++) { propI = (MeReal)i/((MeReal)NSIDE-1); propJ = (MeReal)j/((MeReal)NSIDE-1); for(k=0; k<3; k++) { tempColorTop[k] = (propI * (topRightColor[k] - topLeftColor[k])) + topLeftColor[k]; tempColorBottom[k] = (propI * (bottomRightColor[k] - bottomLeftColor[k])) + bottomLeftColor[k]; color[k] = (propJ * (tempColorTop[k] - tempColorBottom[k])) + tempColorBottom[k]; } penG[(i*NSIDE)+j] = RCreateCube(rc, 2*penRadius, 2*penRadius, 2*penRadius, color, MdtBodyGetTransformPtr(pen[(i*NSIDE)+j])); lineG[(i*NSIDE)+j] = RCreateLine(rc, lineStart, lineEnd, color, MdtBodyGetTransformPtr(pen[(i*NSIDE)+j])); } } /* KEYS: */ #ifndef PS2 RUseKey('w', increaseZForce); RUseKey('s', decreaseZForce); RUseKey('a', decreaseXForce); RUseKey('d', increaseXForce); RUseKey('\r', reset); #else RUsePadKey(PADLup, increaseZForce); RUsePadKey(PADLdown, decreaseZForce); RUsePadKey(PADLright, decreaseXForce); RUsePadKey(PADLleft, increaseXForce); RUsePadKey(PADstart, reset); #endif /* selects a fixed-width font */ RSetOGLFont(3); RCreateUserHelp(help, helpNum); rc->m_title = "ManyPendulums example"; /* Cleanup after simulation. */ #ifndef PS2 atexit(cleanup); #endif /* Run the Simulation. */ /* RRun() executes the main loop. Pseudocode: while no exit-request { Handle user input call Tick() to evolve the simulation and update graphic transforms Draw graphics } */ RRun(rc, tick); return 0; }