
Now that you know how to find all of the correct parts of your jump to clear it successfully you can now add some difficulty and varitey to the trick by spinning while in the air. Since you know the distance and your velocity from before you can find out what your air time was. Once you have all of that info you can use it to solve for what your angular velocity should be depending of how much you want to spin. That way you can make sure that you'll complete the spins in time to spot your landing and get ready for impact.

Mark Landvik in Baker, WA


To get your time of flight solve equation 3 for t and then just plug in the correct numbers.

After you get t you can find your angular velocity using equation 5.

where is the degrees that you want to rotate. But you have to convert it from degrees into radians.

To make the trick even harder you could add some form of a roll to the trick, so that you'd have a angular velocity in the x direction as well as the z direction. Even though that seems to make it quite a bit more complicated it really wouldn't be that hard figure that out. Because that the angular velcocity is a vector you could just split up the equations into the x and z directions and solve for them seperatly the same way we did as above.

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