Welcome to my Solar Physics Page.

This page is deticated to the physics of the planets in our solar system. Hopfully this page will help you to understand the workings of the solarsystem

The star we call the Sun has a number of small objects circling around it. Many other stars in our Galaxy have objects orbiting them too and astronomers have recently discovered a few of these other systems already. The largest members of the Sun's family are called planets, and one of these we call home. That planet, Earth, has many unique characteristics that enable life to exist on it. What are the other planets like? We have learned more about our solar system in the past few decades than probably any other field of astronomy. The planets are no longer just objects up in our sky, but places we have been and explored---worlds in their own right. To give an adequate coverage of each of the planets would fill up a whole book (or more)! Since this web site is an introduction to all of astronomy, I will not explore each planet individually. Instead, I will focus on the common characteristics of the planets such as their Distance relative to us, mass, size and etc.



Size and Volume

Period of Rotation

Angular Velocity

These are just a few of the things we can observe in our solar system. I hope this page has sparked in interest in learning more about our solar system. As you have seen in the above links it's not all rocked science.