Physics Department Seminar University of Alaska Fairbanks

J O U R N A L    C L U B


Turbulence and Mechanisms for Non-Diffusive Turbulent Transport

David Newman
UAF, Geophysical Institute



Turbulence is often the dominant (most important) mechanism for moving "stuff" around in physical systems. This "stuff" includes heat, particles (density), momentum, pollution, salinity and many other quantities possessed by the system in question. In most cases it is assumed this turbulent transport  can be modeled as a diffusive process and therefore use a diffusion like equation.  This is however found to be not true in many cases.  We will have a brief look at what it means to have non-diffusive transport.  Then we will review the beauty of turbulence and turbulent transport and look at mechanisms by which the transport can become non-diffusive including a novel mechanism which could be of importance in various plasma systems. These mechanisms could provide tools to help control the turbulent transport in turbulent systems of interest. As a final note, we will very briefly give a status update on the progress toward making fusion a viable energy source on earth.


Friday, 18 October, 2024

Note: Hybrid meeting by Zoom and in the Globe Room:
