Physics Department Seminar University of Alaska Fairbanks

J O U R N A L    C L U B


Global coupling of the whole atmosphere through multi-scale interactions

Jintai Li
Geophysical Institute, UAF



The whole atmosphere system is composed of different regions and layers. Coupling among these regions and layers is important to further our understanding of the atmosphere. Atmospheric waves, spanning various spatial and temporal scales, mediate the exchange of energy, momentum, and moisture between different regions of the atmosphere. These waves include planetary-scale Rossby waves, gravity waves, Kelvin waves, and mesoscale convective systems, among others. This presentation focuses on the important roles of these waves in coupling the atmosphere system using the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) as an example. The MJO is an important phenomenon that originates in the tropical troposphere. However, wave coupling is able to imprint the MJO signal all the way to the polar ionosphere. This highlights the role of waves in coupling the atmosphere as a whole system.


Friday, 16 Feb., 2024

Note: Hybrid meeting by Zoom and in Globe Room:
