

You might have heard about Chandra before but for those who haven’t, Chandra is “Chandra X-Ray Observatory which is NASA’s flagship mission for X-Ray astronomy.” Chandra mission if you chose to accept it, is to observe x-rays from high energy regions of the universe such as starburst.

          I bet you’re wondering, well what makes Chandra so much better then the other X-Ray observatory used to observe starbursts? Well I am glad that you asked the reason that Chandra is better is because the observations are uninterrupted for 55hrs! This was unheard of before Chandra came along. This information is much more helpful because observing time is greater then low earth orbit of a couple 100km. Satellites use the low earth orbit of a couple of 100km. If that wasn’t enough to make you a believer then get this Chandra flies 200x’s higher then the Hubble, it also observes x-rays from clouds of gas which usually takes up to 5 million years to go from one side to the other. Chandra is also a super reader; the satellite can read a stop sign from 12 miles away! Is that Cool or What!