Photo courtesy of: http://www.sciencedaily.com/encyclopedia/sunspot#Physics

With in the sun there are flux tubes and if the stress on the flux tubes reaches a certain limit, they coil up and puncture the surface of the sun. At the puncture points prevent convection , so the energy flux from the sun's interior decreases, and with it so does the surface temperature. The Wilson effect  tells us that sunspots are actually depressions on the sun's surface. And the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) using sound waves traveling that travel through the Sun's photosphere were able to develop a detailed image of the internal structure below sunspots  and it showed that there is a powerful downdraft underneath each sunspot, that causes a rotating vortex that concentrates magnetic field

photo courtesy of http://homepage.ntlworld.com/ufophysics/vortex.htm

photo courtesy of http://homepage.ntlworld.com/ufophysics/vortex.htm

In a magnetic field, a superconductor is threaded by swirling whirlpools
of electric current. Understanding these magnetic vortices is important
because they control the flow of current through the superconductor.

Vortices have non-superconducting cores, which carry the magnetic
 field lines, surrounded
by swirling ‘supercurrents’. The behavior of
these magnetic vortices determines
the physical properties of superconductors,
including the maximum electrical
current the superconductor can support.

Quoting the Nature Journal On-Line