Resistance in a battery
is equal to length over area. R= L/A.
- Resistance
is directly proportional to length. If length increases by
four, than resistance increases by four.
- Resistance is proportionally opposite from the area. If
the area increases
by four, than the resistance will decrease by
Let's relate the circulatory system to a battery!
If we relate the following sources together:
Heart = battery
Blood pressure = Voltage
Blood = Current
We can see how similar the circulatory system intertwines to
the function of battery.
The heart pumping blood out into the body is
relative to the positive end of a battery. As the heart pumps
blood through the body the
resistance increases has it travels further away from
the heart.
R=L/A, as the length away from the heart increases, so
does the resistance.
Once the material reaches the capillaries, the resistance will
decrease. This is because the capillaries have a lot of
surface area for nutrient exchange.
As soon as the nutrients are exchanged, the travel continues
back to the source (the heart) which is relative to the
negative end of a battery.
The voltage is the energy that the current is carrying
around the circuit, just like the blood pressure is the force
on the vessel walls that it takes to carry the blood around
the body.
As the charge travels around the circuit moving away from the
battery, voltage decreases
just like blood pressure decreases as it get further
away from the heart.
Because the length that the voltage has to push the current
around the circuit is increases, so is the resistance.