Opposing Forces
Opposing forces are some of the most interesting things
in climbing. They are always in use. during a climb. because
you are using forces to oppose gravity. however whet we will
be talking about here are forces that do not oppose gravity
directly. Instead they oppose gravity with a very different
Friction in fact is how the climbers in there pictures are opposing gravity. they are creating forces opposing each other so much that the force of friction is keeping them from falling or slipping down the edge of the rocks. and although friction is a constantly helpful and important force in climbing it is here that you can really see it at work. look at the top picture for example. the man has his legs at basically 90 degree angles from his core. and it is holding him up off the ground, this is the friction between his shoes and the rock at work. climbers even wear shoes made with a soft and almost sticky rubber when they climb as well, They are made to help stick to the rock by making the coefficient of friction greater. This is the same reason that rock climbers use chalk on there hands when they are climbing it. makes you better able to grip the rock and stay on. it also soaks up and prevents your hands from sweating and causing you to loose grip or slipping due to not having enough friction to stay on the rock..