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Works Cited


Akasofu, Syun-Ichi, Dr.. Secrets of the Aurora Borealis. Comp. Alaska Geographic Society. Anchorage: Hart Press, 2002. Vol. 1 of Alaska Geographic. 29 Vols. 1972-2002.


Denlinger, Mish. Auroras: Paintings in the Sky. 19 June 2001. Regent of University of California. 23 Nov. 2003. <>


Kenneth Silber. "Auroras Shed Light on Jupiter's Moon Ganymede." Auroras: Planets, Poles, Moons. 17 November 1999. NASA and Space Telescope Science Institute. 23 Nov. 2003. <'s-NightLights.htm>


Lochner, Dr. Jim. "Electromagnetic Spectrum." Imagine the Universe. 1997-2003. The Imagine Team. 23 Nov. 2003.


Meredith, Nigel P. "An Introduction to the Aurora." Mullard Space Science Laboratory. 9 Aug. 2000. University College London. 23 Nov. 2003. <>


Peterson, Frank. "Aurora Borealis: The Northern Lights." Way North 10 Sept. 1996. Ed. Borg Berg-Olsen. University of Tromso. 23 Nov. 2003<>.


