Works Cited


Hecht, Eugene.  2003.  Physics Algebra/Trig.  Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole


Irion, Robert, Liu, Charles, and Neil de Grasse Tyson.  2002.  The Moon’s Violent Birth. 

Natural History 109, no.1: 20.


Meissner, Rolf.  2002.  The Little Book of Planet Earth.  New York: Springer- Verlag.


Moore, Patrick. 1976.  New Guide to the Moon.  New York: Norton and Company.


Narlikar,Jayant V.  1982.  The Lighter Side of Gravity.  San Francisco, CA: W. H.

Freeman and Company.


Time-Life Books. 1991. Moons and Rings: 1991.  Alexandria, VA: Time-Life


Angular Momentum