Awards, Works, and Quotes

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President of Royal Danish Academy of Sciences

President of Danish Cancer Committee

Chairman of the Danish Atomic Energy Commission

Foreign Member of the Royal Society (London)

Foreign Member of the Royal Institution (London)

Gold Medal of Royal Danish Academy of Sciences(1906)

Nobel Prize(1922)

Royal Society Copley Medal(1938)

Note: Bohr had many more awards or prestige titles, these are just a few of the major awards or titles.


Theory of Spectra and Atomic Constitution        1922  Atomic Theory and the Description of Nature     1934  The Unity of Knowledge                                  1955 Atomic Physics and Human Knowledge           1958 Light and Life Revisited                                  1963

Note: Bohr had roughly some 115 publications.


“ The opposite of a correct statement is a false statement.  But the opposite of a profound truth may well be another profound truth.”

-Niels Bohr

“Humanity will be confronted with dangers of unprecedented characters unless, in due time, measures can be taken to forestall a disastrous competition in such a formidable armaments and to establish an international control of the manufacture and use of powerful materials.” 

- Niels Bohr arguing for rational, peaceful atomic polices