George's Childhood and Timeline of Life
1904 - March 4, George Gamow was born in Odessa Russia.
There were complications at birth, and Gamow all most did not live but a surgeon was summoned and performed a Caesarean section right on Gamow's fathers desk. Gamow later jokes that the reason why he wrote so many books was because he was brought into the world with books all around him.
At the age of 9, his mother passed away. When Gamow was at the age to go to school, this was around the same time when the world war started. Gamow was not able to attend classes regularly because sometimes the school would be bombarded by some enemy warships. The Civil War had ended when Gamow was done with school.
Throughout his
childhood, George became interested in astronomy and so on his 13th birthday,
his dad gave him a telescope to examine the starry sky above. This
intrigued him so much that he decided to become a scientist and focus on three
areas of study. There were physics, mathematics and astronomy.
1922-1923 - At the age of 18, George entered Novorossia as a student of the University in Odessa, Russia to study physics and mathematics.
1923-1929 - Became a student at the University of Leningard and took classes in optics and cosmology.
He received his Ph.D. from this university on the basis of his research. His research was explaining the phenomenon of natural radioactivity and induced transformation of light elements.
1928-1929 - Fellow of Theoretical Physics Institute of the University of Copenhagen.
At this university, Gamow proposed a hypothesis that atomic nuclei can be treated as little droplets of so-called "nuclear fluid." These views of Gamow's later became known as nuclear fission and fusion.
1929-1930 - Rockefeller Fellow, Cambridge University
1930-1931 - Fellow of Theoretical Physics
Institute of the University of Copenhagen
1931 - First marriage to Lyubov Vokhminzeva and divorced her in 1956.
Her nickname was Rho and she was a physics graduate from Moscow University.
1931-1933 - A professor at the University of Leningard.
1933-1934 Fellow of Pierre Curie Institute, Paris visiting professor, University of London.
1934 - Was invited to be a lecturer at the University of Michigan while attending the international solvay congress in Brussels.
1934-1956 - Became a professor at the George Washington University in Washington, D.C.
Gamow developed the theory of the internal structure of red giant stars while in Washington.
1935 -
November 4, Gamow and Rho had a baby boy. They named him Rustem
1954 - Was visiting professor at the University of California, Berkeley.
Here is where Gamow took a liking to biological phenomena and published papers on the information storage and transfer in a living cell. In these papers is where Gamow proposed the so-called "genetic-code."
1956-1968 - Professor at the University of Colorado
1956 - Gamow was awarded the Kalinga Prize by
UNESCO for population of science.
1958 - Second marriage was this time to Barbara Perkins.
Her nickname was "Perky" and she was Gamow's publisher from Viking Press.
1965 - Overseas Fellow, Churchhill College, Cambridge University.
1968 - Aug. 19, George Gamow died in Boulder Colorado because of liver failure.
(all these photo's on this page are from this url)