Global Resource Nationalism


Resource Nationaism- Limits to Foreign Direct Investment. Kretzschmar / Kirchner / Sharifzyanova. Energy Journal, IAEE

China Challenges Global Capitalism -- Vlado Vivoda. Australian Journal of International Affairs Vol. 63, No 1, March 2009

China and the Woldwide Search for Oil -- Linda Jakobson / Zha Daojiong. Asia-Pacific Review Vol. 13 No. 2, 2006

Analysis: five forces to shape energy expansion for decades -- Hydrocarbon Processing, July 2008

Energy and the Enviroment 2nd Edition (2006) -- Robert A.Ristinien / Jack J. Kraushaar

The New Energy Order: Managing Insecurities in the Twenty-first Century -- David Victor / Linda Yueh. Foreign Affairs, Januar/Febuary 2010

Spatial Price and Quantity Rerlationships in Wolrd and Continental Commodity Markets -- Dale M. Nesbitt / Jill N. Scotcher. Energy Journal, IAEE

All the Shah's Men: An American Coup and the Roots of Middle East Terror-- Stephen Kinzer 2003

The Making of Iran's Islamic Revolution -- Moshen M. Milani. Foreign Affairs, July/August 2009



Pictures and Graphics

Hans Rosling's / Gapminder Data

Petroleum Weekly