Solar (PV) Panels

What are Photovoltaic cells and how do they work?

    " PV is short for photovoltaics (photo = light, voltaics = electricity).  PV is a semiconductor based technology used to convert light energy into direct current (dc) electricity, using moving parts, consuming no conventional fuels, and creating no pollution." (

    The suns rays are absorbed by the black metal
 surface on the panel.  The PV panel then changes
the suns energy into usable dc electricity.  The
energy produced can be stored in batteries for later
use or run threw an inverter to switch the current to
110 ac or alternating current.  This is the electrical
current that most house items use.


So is solar power practical in Alaska?
    Alaska has more annual sun hours than many other areas in the country.  However finding enough sunlight from November to February to run your electrical need may be almost impossible without a secondary source of power.

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