The Hydrologic Cycle

                                        1st Stage                 


    'the change of a substance from its
   gaseous state to its liquid state'
During this stage condensation occurs
thus causing rainfall. This rainfall usually
occurs in mountainous regions.

2nd Stage

A reservoir, or a stored body of water
is formed at the base of a mountain,due to a dam which blocks
the water from flowing out to the ocean.
This water is stored in the form of potential energy*.

3rd Stage
Dam Wall

& Power Plant
The wall of the dam serves not only to create
the reservoir but also to channel water into
the power plant.
The power plant uses the potential energy stored
in the reservoir by allowing controlled amounts
of water to flow.
This water then creates
kinetic energy* which is used to spin
turbines in the power plant.
Ultimately the spinning turbines power a generator
creating electricity.

Water is released and resumes its course to the ocean.

Ocean water is evaporated* by the sun and clouds get
pushed back toward mountainous regions.
Now the cycle repeats.

 Potential Energy- is the capacity or possible en energy something can do or stored energy
Kinetic Energy- is the energy of motion
Evaporation- is the change of liquid to a gaseous state

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